Journal Entry 1/28/2020

Today I went to a vision planning workshop put on by 2 of the moms at my daughter’s preschool. The women who led it were amazing, inspirational and encouraging as was the experience overall. The goal was to visualize my goals for 2020 and create a vision board inspired by these goals. I had never done a vision board, and I was curious to see how It could help me. There were about 20 women at the workshop and the evening began with introductions and everyone talking about why they were there. It was very intimidating to listen to all the women describe why they were there. I was so scared to start crying I said something very brief and they moved on. I entered the evening in a sad emotional state so I was disappointed in myself right from the start. I didn’t engage anyone in conversation because I decided I didn’t want to talk to anyone. Which was the complete opposite of the purpose of the event. One of the main purposes of the workshop was to make connections and start relationships with other women who are also trying to improve themselves regardless of their individual situations. Next time I will come with a more open attitude about chatting and not assume people don’t want to talk to me, or are not interested in what I have to say.

We did an exercise to identify the things in our life that give us energy and the things that drain our energy. I wish I had had more time to sit with this but I was able to create a good list in the time I had. It was interesting to see that many things on my list give and take energy and exist on both sides of the list. We then tore up the draining list and focused on the energy giving list. 

Next we did a guided visualization about our ideal day 3 years from now. My ideal day involved getting out of my bed that had no kids in it. Making 2 school lunches, then walking 2 girls to elementary school. Then going for a run and following it with a shower. Then I’d have until 5pm to write and do whatever job I am doing in 3 years. I imagined being a health coach and working with clients. Then I picked up the girls at 5pm and we sat down to eat dinner together. A dinner that I cooked, and we talked about our days together. There was no screaming or complaining. Then my husband came home and we read books with the girls and went to bed. The girls in their room and me and my husband in ours. What a great day!

Then we used fabric scraps to create vision boards to represent that future. The colors we chose represented different things, like emotional balance, optimism, or creativity. I chose colors that represent what I want for myself in terms of my family and then for a career or purpose. I threw my vision board together quickly because there were limited scissors and glue, and I was scared to share my thoughts with the other participants. Even so, I think it accurately represents my current emotional state as well as where I want it to be in the future. The edges of the fabrics are raw and uneven like my current life and emotional state, but the fabrics overlap and move towards the middle to represent how family and life overlap. The colors almost look like they are reaching for each other, encouraging me grow and succeed.

The workshop was just what I need right now. Doing the exercises with a room full of women was challenging, but I was reminded that I’m not the only one who is struggling, and no one has this life thing figured out all the time. It has inspired me to continue the exercise on my own and take more time to reflect and continue the endless journey of healing and creating balance in my life.